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Memoirs and Personal Connectio​ns

Abigail McCarthy wrote that “every memoir reminds us of the faraway and long ago, of loss and change, of persons and places beyond recall." But sometimes a memoir has the special quality of transcending both space and time, bridging cultures across history, inspiring readers toward the creation of a more loving, caring, and understanding world. Such memoirs will fulfill the H&W mission of “Publishing with a Purpose™” – making a difference by sharing stories of exceptional friendship, love, and life experience. H&W will donate a portion of the proceeds it generates to organizations promoting friendship and multi-cultural relationships worldwide.

Education and Technology

Many of us have barriers associated with new technology and the marvelous capabilities it offers. While some say people of a certain age and/or gender have greater difficulty adapting, we do not agree – the problem is often just to find the right guidance from an understanding and empathetic teacher. H&W publishes books in this field that remove barriers to the power of technology, that develop real understanding, skill, and mastery in easy steps. Our purpose is to make a difference by offering access to all who are interested, all who can benefit – especially those who may have come to feel hopeless about ever acquiring facility with the new tools. Our belief is that H&W’s readers will apply the power they gain toward positive change in the world. H&W will donate a portion of the proceeds to organizations working to increase access to education in mathematics, science, and technology.

Recovery and Self-Improvement

Many families endure trauma – illness, addiction, sudden life-changing events, or long-term, chronic sources of pain. Sometimes we see only darkness, with no lantern of hope to guide us through. H&W will publish books that address such challenges with realism – from those who know intimately the suffering of loved ones affected, but who also offer hope for survival, recovery, and restoration of purpose in life. Readers will meet special, inspiring people whose journeys have led to a path of growth and spiritual development. H&W will donate a portion of its proceeds to organizations making a difference in the field of recovery and self-improvement.

Children's Books

Children, too, can make a difference. They are the future agents of extraordinary, positive change in the world, bearers of light and messengers of hope. H&W books are created not just to entertain and engage, but to inspire children toward this destiny. Through quality writing, beautiful design and richness of illustration, H&W offers imaginative and meaningful tales of inner growth and deep understanding of others – authors and artists who can empower young listeners and readers to develop empathy and integrity, appreciate the world around them, and grow to fulfill their purposes. H&W will donate a portion of the proceeds to organizations advocating for the rights and well-being of children.


Why our books?

Make a difference

The books we publish at Handler and Wagreich are designed to make a difference in the world.

Made for you

We strive to empower authors to use their message to inspire changes that are important to them on a deep and personal level.

Ongoing support

Each book we publish also helps us support organizations working to advance the author’s intention.

Have questions?

"My children and grandchildren will get to know my grandmother and the incredible woman she was."

-Stefanie Armstrong
Daughter of Judith Umlas
Author of Soulmates & Strangers


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