Publishing with a Purpose

Handler and Wagreich came into existence because of the legacy of generations of writers and their love of language.

The books we publish at Handler and Wagreich are designed to make a difference in the world; a value that's been handed down from both the Handler and Wagreich lineage. At H&W, we strive to empower authors to use their message to inspire changes that are important to them on a deep and personal level.

Why our books?

Make a difference

The books we publish at Handler and Wagreich are designed to make a difference in the world.

Made for you

We strive to empower authors to use their message to inspire changes that are important to them on a deep and personal level.

Ongoing support

Each book we publish also helps us support organizations working to advance the author’s intention.

Book Genres

Memoirs and Personal Connections

Education and Technology

Recovery and

Children's Books


"Thank you for the copy of your terrific book, Soulmates & Strangers. So evocative, interesting and at times emotional. I'm guessing that the reaction has been strongly positive and that writing it must've been fulfilling and enlightening.

Great work!"

Have questions?

"My children and grandchildren will get to know my grandmother and the incredible woman she was."

-Stefanie Armstrong
Daughter of Judith Umlas
Author of Soulmates & Strangers


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